Developer Tools

Fixing the prettier eslint line endings CRLF LF warnings

It's common to get the line endings errors or warnings when you setup working on a fresh codebase. Let's see what it is and how to resolve it.


Creating Song Mashup Using Python Script

Often we need a small portion of a song or combine small portions of various songs into a single file. And not just songs but any audio in general. So here's a way to simply do it using python...


Installing Zsh on Windows 10

Zsh is awesome, let's use it on windows as well.

Developer Tools

HTML Templates and Themes

Collection of free and premium resources of html templates and themes. Basically some ready to use stuff instead of writing front-end from scratch.


Drawing standard UML diagrams

Technical architects must be using UML diagrams to effectively propose and document their solutions. Because UML is the standard which can communicate precisely and accurately across technical and business background people.


Insights of git repository using git-quick-stats

It's interesting to get insights from our git repository like contributions stats, commits per author, commits per month/week/date, code reviewers. There is an interesting tool called git-quick-stats to help generating these insights.
