CSS does not accept gradient values for 'color' property, but we can still achieve color gradients for text color with this trick...
ReadWhile preparing for google certification of mobile web specialist, here are the notes I made that helped a lot in understanding the concepts of modern web...
ReadWhen we need to display a list of items of uneven sizes, then Masonry layout is the best choice. Image gallery and Newspaper columns are some common examples.
ReadCSS offers some really cool features. Here I am showing a torch effect or say laser gun effect and it's really simple to implement with little bit of CSS and javascript.
ReadCode Review is an extremely important step in developing quality applications. Here's the checklist of things to keep in mind while doing self code review and peer reviews of front-end code.
ReadShreekhand Mahadev is a difficult trek but offers magnificent views of the mountains and glaciers. Like Amarnath yatra, this is also considered a sacred pilgrim trail and lots of people from nearby places in himachal visit this every year. This year, I also took the challenge and went on an adventure trek...