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Go lang notes from tutorial in official documentation


Go lang seems a strong choice for developing web services. So I decided to learn it and try some hands on. These are my concise notes while learning it.


  • C like syntax.
  • Faster because it is a compiled language not an interpreted language.
  • Designed to be a low level language. Hence more efficient.
  • Has built in support for concurrency.


  • Every Go program is made up of packages.
  • Programs start running in package main.
  • Convention is that package name is same as the last element of the import path.
  • A name is exported if it begins with a capital letter.
  • When importing a package, you can only refer to its exported names. Unexported names are not accessible from outside the package.


  • Function can return any number of results.
  • A return statement without arguments returns the names return values. AKA naked return. Should only be used in short functions as it may harm readability in longer functions.
func swap(x, y string) (string, string) {
	return y, x

func main() {
	a, b := swap("hello", "world")
	fmt.Println(a, b)


x int, y int
x, y int
  • var statement declares a list of variables. the type is last.
  • var declaration can include initializers, one per variable.
  • If initializer is present, the type can be omitted.
  • Inside a function, the := short assignment can be used in place of a var declaration with implicit type.
  • Constants cannot be declared using the := syntax.

Basic Types

bool, string, int and uint with 8,16,32,64, also uintptr. byte //alias for uint8 rune // alias for int32 (represents a Unicode code point) float32 float64 complex64 and complex128

int, uint types are automatically 32 bits or 64 bits as per the system on which it is running.

Zero values

  • Variables declared without an explicit initial value are given their zero value.
  • Zero value is:
    • 0 for numeric types
    • false for boolean
    • "" (empty string) for strings

Type conversions

i := 42
f := float64(i)

For Loop

The basic for loop has three components separated by semicolons:

  1. The init statement: executed before the first iteration
  2. The condition expression: evaluated before every iteration
  3. The post statement: executed at the end of every iteration
	for i := 0; i < 10; i++ {
		sum += i

If Condition

	if x < 0 {
		return "Less than 0"
  • Variables declared inside an if short statement are also available inside any of the else blocks.


  • A switch statements is a shorter way to write a sequence of if - else statements.
  • No need of break statement that is inbuilt and only the selected case is executed not the others that follow.
  • Switch without a condition is the same as switch true.
	switch os := runtime.GOOS; os {
	case "darwin":
		fmt.Println("OS X.")
	case "linux":
		// freebsd, openbsd,
		// plan9, windows...
		fmt.Printf("%s.\n", os)

  switch {
	case t.Hour() < 12:
		fmt.Println("Good morning!")
	case t.Hour() < 17:
		fmt.Println("Good afternoon.")
		fmt.Println("Good evening.")


  • A pointer holds the memory address of a value.
  • The type *T is a pointer to a T value. Its zero value is *nil*.
  • The & operand generates a pointer to its operand.


  • A struct is a collection of fields
  • Just like Object


  • The type [n]T is an array of n values of type T.
  • An array's length is part of its type, so arrays cannot be resized.
var a [10]int // declares a variable a as an array of ten integers


  • An array has a fixed size. A slice, on the other hand, is a dynamically-sized, flexible view into the elements of an array.
  • The type []T is a slice with elements of type T.
  • A slice is formed by specifying two indices, a low and high bound, separated by a colon:
  • The default is zero for the low bound and the length of the slice for the high bound.
a[low : high]
  • Slices are like reference to arrays.
  • A slice does not store any data, it just describes a section of an underlying array.
  • Changing the elements of a slice modifies the corresponding elements of its underlying array.
  • Other slices that share the same underlying array will see those changes.
  • Creating a slice under the hood creates a array and then builds a slice to reference it.

Slice length and capacity

  • A slice has both a length and a capacity
  • length is number of elements it contains. len(s)
  • capacity is number of elements in the underlying array. cap(s)

Nil Slices

  • The zero value of a slice is nil.
  • A nil slice has a length and capacity of 0 and has no underlying array.

make function

  • Built-in make function is how you create dynamically-sized arrays.
  • make function allocates a zeroed array and returns a slice that refers to that array.
a := make([]int, 0, 5)  // len(a)=0, cap(a)=5

append function

  • Built-in append function to append new elements to a slice.
  • The first parameter s of append is a slice of type T, and the rest are T values to append to the slice.
var s []int
s = append(s, 0) // s=[0]
s = append(s, 5) // s=[0,5]


  • The range form of the for loop iterates over a slice or map.
  • When ranging over a slice, two values are returned for each iteration. The first is the index, and the second is a copy of the element at that index.
var pow = []int{1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128}
for i, v := range pow {
	fmt.Printf("2**%d = %d\n", i, v)


  • A map maps keys to values.
  • The zero value of a map is nil. A nil map has no keys, nor can keys be added.
  • The make function returns a map of the given type, initialized and ready for use.
  • Map literals are like struct literals, but the keys are required.

Mutating Maps

Insert or update an element in map m:

m[key] = elem

Retrieve an element:

elem = m[key]

Delete an element:

delete(m, key)

Function closures

  • Go functions may be closures.
  • A closure is a function value that references variables from outside its body. The function may access and assign to the referenced variables.
func adder() func(int) int {
	sum := 0
	return func(x int) int {
		sum += x
		return sum

func main() {
	pos, neg := adder(), adder()
	for i := 0; i < 10; i++ {


  • Go does not have classes.

  • A method is a function with a special receiver argument.

  • Simple difference between function and method is

 foo(a) is a function
 a.foo() is a method
type Vertex struct {
	X, Y float64

func (v Vertex) Abs() float64 {
	return math.Sqrt(v.X*v.X + v.Y*v.Y)

func main() {
	v := Vertex{3, 4}

Pointer receivers

  • Methods with pointer receivers can modify the value to which the receiver points. Since methods often need to modify their receiver, pointer receivers are more common than value receivers.
  • When you want to modify the original value that the receiver points to then use pointer receiver else value receiver.
type Vertex struct {
	X, Y float64

func (v Vertex) Abs() float64 {
	return math.Sqrt(v.X*v.X + v.Y*v.Y)

func (v *Vertex) Scale(f float64) {
	v.X = v.X * f
	v.Y = v.Y * f

func main() {
	v := Vertex{3, 4}
	fmt.Println(v.Abs()) // 50


  • An interface type is defined as a set of method signatures.
  • Under the hood, interface values can be thought of as a tuple of a value and a concrete type:
(value, type)
  • A nil interface value holds neither value nor concrete type.
  • The interface type that specifies zero methods is known as the empty interface:
  • An empty interface may hold values of any type. (Every type implements at least zero methods)

Type assertions

  • A type assertion provides access to an interface value's underlying concrete value.
t := i.(T)
var i interface{} = "hello"

s := i.(string)
fmt.Println(s) // hello

s, ok := i.(string)
fmt.Println(s, ok) // hello true

f, ok := i.(float64)
fmt.Println(f, ok) // 0 false

Type switches

  • A type switch is a construct that permits several type assertions in series.
  • A type switch is like a regular switch statement, but the cases in a type switch specify types (not values), and those values are compared against the type of the value held by the given interface value.
// If type is int then do this else if type is string then do this and so on...
switch v := i.(type) {
case T:
    // here v has type T
case S:
    // here v has type S
    // no match; here v has the same type as i

Generic types

// List represents a singly-linked list that holds values of any type.
type List[T any] struct {
	next *List[T]
	val  T


  • Ability of the programming language to perform multiple tasks simultaneously.
  • It allows different parts of a program to run at the same time, which can help improve the program's performance and responsiveness.
  • It doesn't have to wait for one task to finish before starting the next task.
  • Concurrency in Golang is like having multiple people working on different parts of a big project at the same time.
  • goroutines and channels to make sure that all the different parts of the program are working together and communicating with each other correctly.


  • Goroutines are lightweight threads of execution that are managed by the Go runtime, which means they don't require a lot of memory or resources to create.


  • Channels are used to pass data between goroutines and synchronize their execution.

Developing RESTful API with Go and Gin

  • Gin to route requests, retrieve request details, and marshal JSON for responses.
  1. Create a project folder let's say gin-web-service

  2. cd into it and run command go mod init gin-web-service This will create a go.mod file to manage dependencies.

  3. Create main.go and setup the data structure with dummy data

package main

// album represents data about a record album.
type album struct {
    ID     string  `json:"id"`
    Title  string  `json:"title"`
    Artist string  `json:"artist"`
    Price  float64 `json:"price"`

// albums slice to seed record album data.
var albums = []album{
    {ID: "1", Title: "Blue Train", Artist: "John Coltrane", Price: 56.99},
    {ID: "2", Title: "Jeru", Artist: "Gerry Mulligan", Price: 17.99},
    {ID: "3", Title: "Sarah Vaughan and Clifford Brown", Artist: "Sarah Vaughan", Price: 39.99},
  1. getAlbums function
// getAlbums responds with the list of all albums as JSON.
func getAlbums(c *gin.Context) {
    c.IndentedJSON(http.StatusOK, albums)
  • gin.Context is the most important part of Gin. It carries request details, validates and serializes JSON, and more. (Despite the similar name, this is different from Go’s built-in context package.)
  • Call Context.IndentedJSON to serialize the struct into JSON and add it to the response.
  • In production use Context.JSON instead of Context.IndentedJSON for more compact JSON. IndentedJSON is easier to debug and read.
  1. main handler function
func main() {
    router := gin.Default()
    router.GET("/albums", getAlbums)

  • Initialize a Gin router using Default.
  • Use the GET function to associate the GET HTTP method and /albums path with a handler function.
  • Use the Run function to attach the router to an http.Server and start the server.
  1. Import the required packages
import (

  1. Run go get . to download all the packages.
  2. Run go run . to run the code in current directory.
  3. Hit the endpoint using curl curl http://localhost:8080/albums and check the response.
  4. Complete code with post and get specific requests as well.
package main

import (


// album represents data about a record album.
type album struct {
    ID     string  `json:"id"`
    Title  string  `json:"title"`
    Artist string  `json:"artist"`
    Price  float64 `json:"price"`

// albums slice to seed record album data.
var albums = []album{
    {ID: "1", Title: "Blue Train", Artist: "John Coltrane", Price: 56.99},
    {ID: "2", Title: "Jeru", Artist: "Gerry Mulligan", Price: 17.99},
    {ID: "3", Title: "Sarah Vaughan and Clifford Brown", Artist: "Sarah Vaughan", Price: 39.99},

func main() {
    router := gin.Default()
    router.GET("/albums", getAlbums)
    router.GET("/albums/:id", getAlbumByID)
    router.POST("/albums", postAlbums)


// getAlbums responds with the list of all albums as JSON.
func getAlbums(c *gin.Context) {
    c.IndentedJSON(http.StatusOK, albums)

// postAlbums adds an album from JSON received in the request body.
func postAlbums(c *gin.Context) {
    var newAlbum album

    // Call BindJSON to bind the received JSON to newAlbum.
    if err := c.BindJSON(&newAlbum); err != nil {

    // Add the new album to the slice.
    albums = append(albums, newAlbum)
    c.IndentedJSON(http.StatusCreated, newAlbum)

// getAlbumByID locates the album whose ID value matches the id parameter sent by the client, then returns that album as a response.
func getAlbumByID(c *gin.Context) {
    id := c.Param("id")

    // Loop through the list of albums, looking for
    // an album whose ID value matches the parameter.
    for _, a := range albums {
        if a.ID == id {
            c.IndentedJSON(http.StatusOK, a)
    c.IndentedJSON(http.StatusNotFound, gin.H{"message": "album not found"})

Handling Sessions

This example will show how to store data in session cookies using the popular gorilla/sessions package in Go.

// sessions.go
package main

import (


var (
    // key must be 16, 24 or 32 bytes long (AES-128, AES-192 or AES-256)
    key = []byte("super-secret-key")
    store = sessions.NewCookieStore(key)

func secret(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
    session, _ := store.Get(r, "cookie-name")

    // Check if user is authenticated
    if auth, ok := session.Values["authenticated"].(bool); !ok || !auth {
        http.Error(w, "Forbidden", http.StatusForbidden)

    // Print secret message
    fmt.Fprintln(w, "The cake is a lie!")

func login(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
    session, _ := store.Get(r, "cookie-name")

    // Authentication goes here
    // ...

    // Set user as authenticated
    session.Values["authenticated"] = true
    session.Save(r, w)

func logout(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
    session, _ := store.Get(r, "cookie-name")

    // Revoke users authentication
    session.Values["authenticated"] = false
    session.Save(r, w)

func main() {
    http.HandleFunc("/secret", secret)
    http.HandleFunc("/login", login)
    http.HandleFunc("/logout", logout)

    http.ListenAndServe(":8080", nil)