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Eleventy for Static Sites

Benefits of static site generation along with CMS driven content.

Getting started

Create a new project folder and do npm init and git init Install dev dependency of 11ty npm i @11ty/eleventy --save-dev Copy the html or any template available. Add .eleventy.js and config it as required. Run build and/or serve commands as needed. Watch and fix for paths of src and href as assets and other html files.

What is Eleventy

Alternate to jekyll.

Assuming local project installation Searches the current directory, outputs to ./_site npx @11ty/eleventy It is same as npx @11ty/eleventy --input=. --output=_site If we want to use only few specific templates npx @11ty/eleventy --formats=md,html,ejs For serving npx @11ty/eleventy --serve For changing port npx @11ty/eleventy --serve --port=8081

To configure eleventy just put a .eleventy.js file and configure it.

Find theme/template and then run 11ty over them config file where we can specify what static assets we want to copy from src to publish dir Utility is that we can use template available in any format and use 11ty to compile a static site from it.

Template Languages

html, markdown, javascript, liquid, nunjucks .njk, handlebars .hbs, mustache .mustache, EJS, Haml, Pug

Overriding template engines for a .liquid file we can include this to parse it as a njk.

templateEngineOverride: njk

As far as data transformation from a CMS or any source to template is concerned we can keep on using gatsby as it offers the graphql api with data sources. So 11ty is useful in case if ready to use good ui templates are available in liquid or njk or handlebars or any other format.

Plugins are availbale if you want to do some build time transformation of say images.

- Ayush 🙂